
Santa Express

We're slowly sliding into the Christmas atmosphere with beautiful Christmas weather! A lovely white blanket of snow and nice and sunny weather. With a nice frost during the day: -9 degrees Celcius. It was rather cold though last night: minus 15, even! We were staying at the caravan and even though we had a nice temperature indoors, the shower did not work 'cause one of the waterpipes was frozen. No problem, an old fashioned start of the day at the wash basin was fine too!

I'm looking forward to Christmas later this week. I'm almost ready, just a few bits and pieces to arrange...
I hope you are too and I'm wishing you a great Holiday Season!


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Advent musings...

Happy Holiday wishes to all

Last year I wrote an Advent poem. I would like to share it with you all as my feelings are exactly the same now. My heart wells up with the love and light and peace and brightness of the Season. So have a look at:


How time flies

I can't imagine so much time has passed since my last blog. And so much has happened! I've been busy from the very early morning until late at night. You can't imagine how we've had to work around our disabilities. But we did. We can still create our lives and I'm grateful for all the people and all the angels that have helped us finishing our great project. We hope the coming weeks, months and years will prove that we made the right decision. And that we have the strength and wisdom and blessings to create and bless the new life form we have chosen together.

The holidays are coming... I am in the Holiday Mood already. And thus have started creating, and will probably continue to create and create... Right up until Christmas, I'm sure...
Our tree is up, but not decorated yet. The real holiday spirit will start this Sunday - I will find the Advent circle and set it up to light the first candle of this year.

In the mean time I hope to create some Christmas Stationery and upload it for you all to enjoy.

Here's a little sample of a tag I made...

If you would like to view my Christmas stationeries click here

Will see you again, soon, I promise :0)



Summer's farewell..

Just another day or two and we say good-bye to Summer. I still try to hold on to the greens, flowers, weather and smells of this year's lovely Summer. To illustrate this I am going to show you some photos that express this feeling best - too bad I can't let you smell or feel it, though...

I just love the shapes and colours of maize plants - seeing them grow is mesmerizing...

Our August break

We have been spending a few days in a holiday home park in Belgium. We booked a wooden triangular cottage to spend it in. But when we got there they had a lovely suprise for us: we got an upgrade to a modern, luxurious canexel type of holiday home.
We had a fantastic little place, worthy enough to spend a whole year in -even though it might cost a fortune to heat it in Winter *s*...

It had a bath tub, a dish washer, a roomy master bed room on the ground floor. A flat screen tv, a good couch for me to lie flat on, a spacious kitchen - in one word: wonderful!
My brother Gustav, whose holiday it actually was, had his own floor with two bed rooms, a sink with hot and cold water and a toilet. He loved the porch to sit on and have his breakfast. He loved it. And so did we!

During our stay at the cottage we had lovely, balmy hot weather. It was just 150 miles away from where we live, but it felt like a different place alltogether. The air smelled different, the sounds and noises (lots of them!) were different -it was a real break for us. We booked the holiday in order to provide my brother with a birthday-vacation -but in hindsight it was refreshing for us, too.

The weather

We've had a Summer that provided all kinds of weather. It was nice in June, we had a cool and rainy month of July and lovely mixed weather in August.
Enough rain to keep it green - enough sunshine to lighten up our days - nice temperatures to warm our skin and bones. Warm, hot even in August, but with a mix of cooler days to calm the senses.


Our Maltese doggy Pixie has had a bit of trouble with the fact that it was a relatively warm season. She really needed her cooling blanket almost every day in August. Especially the nights were warm for her. Also her neck-hernia bothered her after she glissed on the slippery floor of the holiday cottage. She walked with more difficulty and sometimes lost strength in her hind legs. We took her to the vet and she had to have a cortisone shot. Poor girl. She suffers from the heat more since her shot. But she seems to be a lot better, she walks better and we detect no more loss of strength! Chapeau for our vet -and for Pup, of course!


Just before we left for our little trip there were burglars in our apartment building. They did not visit our flat, but we saw traces of them on the balcony railing. They burglared some of our neighbours flats, leaving almost no traces. The police were puzzled about this. Money and credit cards were stolen and all of us feel like our sense of privacy and security has been violated.
No one dared to open their windows or balcony doors the first couple of weeks. We also dared not open ours to let the cool night air in. We tried to compensate this with a ventilator, but that was not enough.
I am an early riser, so as soon as it was light I opened the bedroom balcony door to let the fresh, cool morning air stream in through the insect doors.
We now installed a special security lock-handle that allows the door to open at night a little bit from the inside. It cannot be opened from the outside. That will help us get through the coming cooler seasons :0)

My plant stand

I always like to do a little gardening in my plant stand next to our front door.
In the early part of the season I had the my flowers in all shades of pink, purple and white - my favourites. But now that the season's nearing its end they have stopped blooming and withered. So I planted some of the nasturtiums that I grew early in the Spring from last year's seeds. They that are now nice and strong and are both producing flowers and seed pods... I added some nicely coloured peppers and some chrysanthemums - and here's the result.

(Click to enlarge if you wish)

So I'm all set for the next season! Good bye lovely Summer of 2009!



Small August Move

Hot August nights, sizzling days.
Out in the sun with large rimmed hat, dressed lightly.
Sunglasses in the darkest shade.
Almost too hot to move...
But in the car, the airco softly and soothingly blowing,
it was wonderful.
And so was the landscape.
We slowly moved through the Belgian countryside
on our three day holiday.
Our first in three years.
Rows and rows of perfectly aligned fruit trees.
Their wonderful shapes moving away
towards their vanishing point at the horizon.
With perfectly formed pears almost ready to pluck.
Top branches reaching longingly upward towards the clear blue sky.
Noon in the first week of August.
Nothing is better....

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(c) Karin*CatMar, 8-9-2009 - present
all rights reserved


Circles of Sound

This morning I've been listening to and meditating on Fabeku Fatumishe's CD "Remembering through Resonance". It's a Singing Bowl experience. A link to his wonderful site Sankofa song is here.

Surfing the rippling waves of the circles of sound that surrounded me while I was listening to the CD was a mesmerizing experience. It was a feeling of timelessness and deep relaxation and tingling feeling all through my body, from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. It brought me back to my Self almost instantly. And later it inspired me to take a photograph of my own singing bowls. The process of taking a true picture of them in the early morning sunshine made me wonder something. I wondered: are the rays of sunlight, the vibrations of sound, the sensation that runs through my body listening to it, the ripples on water: aren't they all part of One and the Same? I drifted into the ever widening sensation I get when I follow the singing tone of the bowl deeper and deeper into my inner self, broadening my inner vision, enlarging my inner space and I started to feel part again of All That Is...
The gong tone sounded - was letting myself slowly sink back into the realms of earth's gravitation ....







When I was very young - I think up to being about 5 years old I did not own any 'real' dolls. Just knitted and stuffed woollen or cotton dolls, sometimes with faces made of pressed paper pulp.

Of course there were porcelain and dolls of other materials but I only saw them at toy shops or at the homes friends that came from a wealthy family.
Later a Dutch factory that had gone out of business during WWII started producing polyethylene dolls. The brand was called: Wildebras (Tom Boy).

Dolls like these were popular when I was a child in the 1950's. I think it must have been about 1957 or so just after my little brother was born that my parents gave me my very own Wildebras doll - I named her Liesje (from Elisabeth), because I thought that was a sweet sounding name.

Liesje became my companion at night, in bed. OK, in my previous post I wrote that my dolls were in bed with me next to my pillow, but Liesje wasn't. She was cuddled up with me under the sheets and blankets. She was a great comfort to me by just being there.
I didn't play with my dolls like other girls did. I was too busy being outside in the open air, playing with my friends in the rural area that I grew up in.
I remember the cold small bedroom I slept in, alone and dark at night, Liesje being there with me. She was not warm - I still can remember how she smelled; that typical plastic smell she had and that only left her for a while after I bathed her and washed her face with soap.
Her face was always more or less cool and she always remained aloof, cool, a bit like my mother. She comforted me nonetheless if I was lonely or punished. I could hold her close and hug her. Put my cheek against hers.
We did not grow up in a warm, safe or secure family home. Liesje was there to comfort me at night if I needed her.
She stayed with me for a long, long time. I kept her until I was about 20 years old like I had seen a friend of my mother do when I was young. She had a doll that was over 20 years old and I was awed by that. I vowed that I would also keep my Liesje that long. And that's what I did.

Finally I gave her away as a present to a neighbour's granddaughter who was staying with her grandma overnight. It was almost like an impulse, it all went suddenly and swiftly. Somehow I thought g she might enjoy her more and actually play with her again.
I think I regretted it afterwards. In fact I'm sure I did because I adopted the small doll on the picture that is sitting down in the green flowered dress with the necklace about 10 years ago at a fair. Having a doll like Liesje again felt like coming home. She was smaller than my original Liesje, but I still liked her very much.

Now, at the same car trunk junk sale that I told you about in my previous post, I adopted two other naked, battered and dirty dolls that I cleaned up and clothed again. One had a severed arm that I fixed. I adopted the large doll now wearing the brown dress together with the doll now wearing the blue trousers and blue and white jacket.

She's standing next to the large doll sitting down and she is exactly the same size that Liesje was. Only this one has brown eyes, whereas my original doll had blue eyes. I like her this way. And I feel some of the old familiar love well up again towards my new Liesje doll.
True, she is not as gorgeous as the gadco doll I wrote about yesterday. But she is as close to my own beloved Liesje as I can get. And that's enough for me! She even smells the same way!

And the other dolls? Well, I'm sensing their personalities and getting to know them and they are welcome in my little -or rather extended- doll family!

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I made this picture of one of my dolls today - and framed it following a tutorial (link)

I feel so blessed to have been able to adopt her second hand on a trunk sale two weeks ago. I think she's so pretty. I wasn't much into dolls as a child, I had one or two vinyl ones that I cared for but mostly left sitting on the bed. OK, they slept with me next to my pillow each night. But that was it. I was more like a tomboy when I was a child. Not until I inherited my late mil's old and ragged dolls to clean up and repair I started caring for them. About 45 years later :0)
So now I have adopted a ragged version of my first vinyl doll that I will show you later. But this one is really gracing my living room and radiating joy :0)

So here she is: Marlene, Rotraut Schrotts design in 1990 for the GADCO (Great American Doll Company) with her little doggy. And you may notice a similarity in her dog and ours. Maybe that's why she waited for us to adopt her that lovely sunlit summery Saturday afternoon next to the leafy canal... A lovely synchronity. And I love those little messages from above to guide me along and I feel blessed when I recognise them as such.
I wish you many little messages too today!

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Our furry friend Pixie

Today I would like to introduce our little furry friend Pixie to you.

Pixie is a Maltese -maybe not a thoroughbred, but maybe all the more adorable because of that! She is almost eight years old and has been with us since she was a puppy. She's going where we go as often as possible. She has her own doggy safety belt in the back seat of the car and is comfortably situated in her own doggy basket. I have to put the back side of my front seat in a backward position as I cannot sit upright. Pixie and I both love that as we can cuddle up rather close together ;0)

Pixie likes the rides in the car and we tend to think that she knows our destination upfront. She seems to like visiting our caravan on a nearby camping rather than visits to our family. However, she is happily trotting along if we stop the car and lift her out and carefully put her on the ground. She is friendly to everyone we meet - friendly but careful. She remembers people, especially the ones that also are adopted by furry friends, even more so if they carry dog snacks :0) Her groomers at the Pet Wellness Centre love her.

She's lightens up the lives of the elderly people that we meet when we visit in the nursing home where Wynsen's mother in law lives -the mother of his late wife that we visit regularly. She knows and is friendly with the cats of my brother whom we visit every other week. And she exactly knows where the cat feeding bowls are and is *always* there before we are. She manages to finish whatever is in them -much to our dismay at a later stage of the day when she has to go for her walk and has an upset stomach because of it ...

These are a few little bits and pieces of our life with Pixie. We feel very privileged to have her in our lives and hope to be allowed to share it together with her for many many more years to come.

For more cuddly pictures and the story of her little life: feel free to visit Pixie's webpage .



Good day and welcome to my Blog.

I intend to post my creative work rather than too many words, here. I feel I express myself better in images than with words.

I get inspired by all things bright and beautiful. Little everyday ordinary things, like flowers, my pets, anything. It can be a raindrop on a leaf, stucco on an old building - you name it.

I need to create or I burst *lol* I am physically handicapped in a minor but kind of unpractical way, I cannot sit down or stand long enough to paint, like I used to in the past. So I do my creative work on line - digital graphics, so to speak.

So here's a digital graphic I made for the CED Group on the July 2009-theme "Self" -which complements my introduction.

A few words on my collage:
the b/w picture is the hospital where they nursed my brother and me back to life in 1966 after our car accident. More about this

The picture on the top right has my brother in the background (with the cowboy hat) and myself in 2006.

The little girl in the middle is me holding folded paper little airplanes somewhere in Rotterdam in the late 1950s. I have to say that my elder brother folded them for me :0)

On the left you see my dear -and I mean 'dear!' hubby and below are our fur kids. And some of the things that inspire me.

Well, that's it for my now. Hope you enjoyed my little intro.

Have a good day/night!
