
Happy New Year

At the end of this year 2010 I'm pondering a bit and want to share my thoughts with you.
It's been an intense year for us, with lots of things happening. Good things and things that had a lot of impact. We've had lots and lots of help from unknown people that suddenly turned into angels and helped and supported us on our path...
On November 13 an event had a sudden impact on me. I saved our dog from being overrun by a cart but a few seconds later the same cart ran over my left foot. I had severed anklets and have spent the last 6 weeks of this year with my leg held high up. Bound in tape and later in a cast. It was a good time to ponder life's events :0) The worst part of it was that I had to use two garbage bags around the plaster cast each day to be able to keep it dry while taking my shower.
The cast has been taken off this week and Oh, to be in the bath tub again! Such bliss!
It's still quite painful but I'm on the mend!
Our dog has kept me company and hardly left my side. My heart fills up with warm love for her when I realise she's still with us!
I'm now slowly, step by step, healing. We're approaching the New Year.

2011: May it be you a Good One, a Blessed One, a Healthy One. A real Prosperous and a Happy New Year!

Love to you all and make the best of it!



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