This morning I've been listening to and meditating on Fabeku Fatumishe's CD "Remembering through Resonance". It's a Singing Bowl experience. A link to his wonderful site Sankofa song is here.
Surfing the rippling waves of the circles of sound that surrounded me while I was listening to the CD was a mesmerizing experience. It was a feeling of timelessness and deep relaxation and tingling feeling all through my body, from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. It brought me back to my Self almost instantly. And later it inspired me to take a photograph of my own singing bowls. The process of taking a true picture of them in the early morning sunshine made me wonder something. I wondered: are the rays of sunlight, the vibrations of sound, the sensation that runs through my body listening to it, the ripples on water: aren't they all part of One and the Same? I drifted into the ever widening sensation I get when I follow the singing tone of the bowl deeper and deeper into my inner self, broadening my inner vision, enlarging my inner space and I started to feel part again of All That Is...The gong tone sounded - was letting myself slowly sink back into the realms of earth's gravitation ....

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